Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Be Creative!!!

Since my husband has been out of work for the past year and a half let's just say extra money is a thing of the past!!!! Without extra, projects are few and far between and maybe the old saying "necessity is the mother of invention" is true!!! My oldest daughter has her junior prom to attend this year and this it the dress she wanted!!!! It's a beautiful gown and had a wonderful price of around $500 or more!!!! Bah ha ha ha ha ha!!!! OK, sometimes I laugh before thinking.......let's just say not going to happen.....EVER!!!!

So, the creative juices started flowing and I grabbed an old dress from her 8th grade year. Hmmmm, I shoved the pink tutu under the existing dress........interesting.

I added a flower too.......Well, this is not the finished project because.....well, this is pink and she wants black. I do have a solution, she also owns a black and white dress (from her 7th grade's just on loan to a niece). Now you have to use A LOT of imagination here.....but I'm sure I can take black and white tulle, layer it, then attach it to the existing dress!!!! I thought I could add a huge flower in black and white with feathers...of course (bigger is better it's prom)!!!
I can also make one for her hair so everything will look custom!!! It will be a one of a kind. So, what do you think???
I need all the advise I can get!!!!!

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